Incident Response

Security Matters (SecM) will provide digital security incident response and support in collaboration with the Center for Digital Resilience (CDR).

First Responder Network

The First Responder Network aims to establish a network that would serve as a resource hub for local technical experts to develop long-term expertise within the region to support and maintain localized digital security protection mechanisms.

“We’re the last mile and making sure the local clientele get their local service agent.”

First Responders Training

The First Responders Training aims to recruit and train local responders who can respond to urgent requests and provide much-needed help to at-risk organizations and human rights defenders in the shortest time.

The First Responders Training includes workshops, webinars, on-job training, coaching, mentoring, and actual case studies to develop the capacity for long-term resource persons who can support and assist civil society organizations and human rights defenders facing digital security threats within the region.

Help Desk

With a more localized network and resource hub, Security Matters aims to deliver a help desk service that can better cater to the needs of Asia-based activists by being within a similar time zone; contextual understanding and knowledge of the digital security dynamics; keen understanding and awareness of local practices and cultures that only local actors can deliver.

If you are at risk or under attack, we can help.

Contact us now and be part of our first responder team!